Japanese business culture is known for its formality and strict adherence to hierarchy, making it challenging for foreigners to navigate. However, with a solid understanding of key Japanese vocabulary, you can build stronger relationships with your colleagues and make a great impression on your clients. In this article, we’ll share 200 must-know Japanese words and phrases for the office that will help you succeed in Japan’s competitive business world.

Learn 200 Japanese words & phrases for Japanese office use

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200 Japanese Words and Phrases You Must Learn for the Japanese office.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
1おはようございますおはようございますohayou gozaimasuGood morningおはようございます、今日も一日頑張りましょう!(Ohayou gozaimasu, kyou mo ichinichi ganbarimashou!)Good morning, let’s do our best today too!
2お疲れ様ですおつかれさまですotsukaresama desuThank you for your hard workお疲れ様です、今日も一日お疲れ様でした。(Otsukaresama desu, kyou mo ichinichi otsukaresama deshita.)Thank you for your hard work today too.
3よろしくお願いしますよろしくおねがいしますyoroshiku onegaishimasuNice to meet you / Please take care of meよろしくお願いします、これからよろしくお願いいたします。(Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, kore kara yoroshiku onegaishitaiimasu.)Nice to meet you, please take care of me from now on.
4お先に失礼しますおさきにしつれいしますosaki ni shitsurei shimasuExcuse me for leaving earlyお先に失礼します、明日またお会いしましょう。(Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu, ashita mata oai shimashou.)Excuse me for leaving early, let’s meet again tomorrow.
5がんばりますがんばりますganbarimasuI’ll do my best今日もがんばります!(Kyou mo ganbarimasu!)I’ll do my best today too!
6了解しましたりょうかいしましたryokai shimashitaUnderstood了解しました、次の段取りを考えましょう。(Ryokai shimashita, tsugi no dandori wo kangaemashou.)Understood, let’s think about the next steps.
7かしこまりましたかしこまりましたkashikomarimashitaRoger that / Understoodかしこまりました、早速やります。(Kashikomarimashita, sassoku yarimasu.)Roger that, I’ll do it right away.
8よろしいでしょうかよろしいでしょうかyoroshii deshou kaIs it okay?この日程でよろしいでしょうか?(Kono nittei de yoroshii deshou ka?)Is this schedule okay?

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
9会議室かいぎしつkaigi-shitsuMeeting room会議室が予約済みです。(Kaigishitsu ga yoyaku sumi desu.)The meeting room is already booked.
10議事録ぎじろくgijirokuMeeting minutes議事録を作成してください。(Gijiroku wo sakusei shite kudasai.)Please create the meeting minutes.
11ファシリテーション、ファシリファシリテーション、ファシリfashiritēshon, fashiriFacilitation今日の会議はファシリテーションが必要です。(Kyou no kaigi wa fashiritēshon ga hitsuyou desu.)Today’s meeting requires facilitation.
12アジェンダアジェンダajendaAgenda今日のアジェンダは何ですか?(Kyou no ajenda wa nan desu ka?)What’s on the agenda for today?
13付議ふぎfugiConsiderationこの案件について付議してください。(Kono anken ni tsuite fugi shite kudasai.)Please consider this matter.
14決裁けっさいkessaiApproval次の段階に進む前に、決裁が必要です。(Tsugi no dankai ni susumu mae ni, kessai ga hitsuyou desu.)Approval is required before proceeding to the next step.
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
15承認しょうにんshouninApprovalこの書類の承認をお願いします。(Kono shorui no shounin wo onegaishimasu.)Please approve this document.
16否認ひにんhininDenial私の提案は否認されました。(Watashi no teian wa hinin saremashita.)My proposal was rejected.
17会社かいしゃkaishaCompany私はこの会社で働いています。(Watashi wa kono kaisha de hataraite imasu.)I work at this company.
18出勤しゅっきんshukkinGoing to work今日は早く出勤しなければなりません。(Kyou wa hayaku shukkin shinakereba narimasen.)I have to go to work early today.
19打刻だこくdakokuTime stamping打刻漏れがあった場合は、修正してください。(Dakoku more ga atta baai wa, shuusei shite kudasai.)Please correct any missed time stamping.
20タイムカードたいむかーどtaimu kaadoTime cardタイムカードを押しわすれました。(Taimu kaado wo oshiwasure mashita.)I will go to work by time card.
21内勤ないきんnaikinOffice work彼女は内勤営業希望です。(Kanojo wa naikin eigyou kiboudesu.)She works in the office.
22外勤がいきんgaikinField work今日は外勤に出ます。(Kyou wa gaikin ni demasu.)I will be out for field work today.
23直帰ちょっきchokkiGoing straight home今日は会社を出たら直帰します。(Kyou wa kaisha wo detara chokki shimasu.)I will go straight home after leaving the office today.
24直行ちょっこうchokkouGoing straight to work site朝一番で直行します。(Asa ichiban de chokkou shimasu.)I will go straight to the work site first thing in the morning.
25直行直帰ちょっこうちょっきchokkou chokkiGoing straight to work site and home明日は直行直帰します。(Asu wa chokkou chokki shimasu.)I’m visiting straight to the client and
going back home directly tomorrow.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
26在宅勤務ざいたくきんむzaitaku kinmuTelecommuting/Work from home今日は在宅勤務なのでオフィスに行かなくていいです。(Kyou wa zaitaku kinmu na node ofisu ni ikanakute ii desu.)Today is telecommuting, so you don’t have to go to the office.
27交通費こうつうひkoutsuuhiTransportation expenses出張の交通費は会社が負担してくれます。(Shucchou no koutsuuhi wa kaisha ga futan shite kuremasu.)The company will cover transportation expenses for business trips.
28遅刻ちこくchikokuTardiness/Late arrival佐藤さんは今日も遅刻した。(Satou-san wa kyou mo chikoku shita.)Mr. Sato was late again today.
29挨拶あいさつaisatsuGreeting朝の挨拶は大切です。(Asa no aisatsu wa taisetsu desu.)Morning greetings are important.
30上長じょうちょうjouchouSuperior/Boss上長に報告書を提出する。(Jouchou ni houkokusho wo teishutsu suru.)Submit a report to your superior/boss.
31部下ぶかbukaSubordinate部下をしっかり指導する。(Buka wo shikkari shidou suru.)Give proper guidance to subordinates.
32会長かいちょうkaichouPresident of a company/organization会長との面談がある。(Kaichou to no mendan ga aru.)There is a meeting with the company/organization’s president.
33社長しゃちょうshachouCEO/President of a company社長に直接報告する。(Shachou ni chokusetsu houkoku suru.)Report directly to the company’s CEO/president.
34部長ぶちょうbuchouDepartment head部長の指示に従って行動する。(Buchou no shiji ni shitagatte koudou suru.)Follow the department head’s instructions and act accordingly.
35課長かちょうkachouSection chief課長とのミーティングがある。(Kachou to no meeting ga aru.)There is a meeting with the section chief.

Sure, here are the next words:

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
36係長かかりちょうkakarichouLeader係長に昇進した。(Kakarichou ni shousin shita.)I was promoted to Leader.
37リーダーりーだーriidaaLeader彼女はチームのリーダーです。(Kanojo wa chiimu no riidaa desu.)She is the leader of the team.
38先輩せんぱいsenpaiSenior先輩にアドバイスをもらいました。(Senpai ni adobaisu wo moraimashita.)I received advice from my senior.
39後輩こうはいkouhaiJunior彼は私の後輩です。(Kare wa watashi no kouhai desu.)He is my junior.
40昇給しょうきゅうshoukyuuPay raise来月から昇給します。(Raigetsu kara shoukyuu shimasu.)I will get a pay raise from next month.
41降給こうきゅうkoukyuuPay cut彼は業績不振のため、降給となりました。(Kare wa gyouseki fushin no tame, koukyuu to narimashita.)Due to poor business performance, he got a pay cut.
42降格こうかくkoukakuDemotion彼は失敗したため、降格となりました。(Kare wa shippai shita tame, koukaku to narimashita.)He was demoted due to failure.
43昇格しょうかくshoukakuPromotion彼は長年の努力が認められ、昇格しました。(Kare wa naganen no doryoku ga mitomerare, shoukaku shimashita.)He was promoted for his many years of hard work.
44出世しゅっせshusseCareer advancement彼は会社で出世したいと思っています。(Kare wa kaisha de shusse shitai to omotteimasu.)He wants to advance his career in the company.
45締め切りしめきりshimekiriDeadlineこのプロジェクトの締め切りは来週です。(Kono purojekuto no shimekiri wa raishuu desu.)The deadline for this project is next week.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
46TodoリストとどうりすとTodo risutoTo-do list明日の予定をTodoリストにまとめよう。(Ashita no yotei o Todo risuto ni matomeyou.)Let’s organize tomorrow’s schedule into a to-do list.
47営業電話えいぎょうでんわeigyou denwaSales call今日はたくさんの営業電話をかけました。(Kyou wa takusan no eigyou denwa o kakemashita.)I made a lot of sales calls today.
48鬼電おにでんOni denHarassing phone call無断欠勤した山田さんに上司が朝から鬼電している。(Mudan kekkin shita yamada-san ni joushi ga asakara oniden shiteiru)Mr. Yamada went AWOL and his boss has been calling crazy since this morning.
49早退そうたいsoutaiLeaving early今日は体調が悪くて早退しました。(Kyou wa taichou ga warukute soutai shimashita.)I left work early today because I wasn’t feeling well.
50残業ざんぎょうzangyouOvertime work最近、毎日残業続きで疲れています。(Saikin, mainichi zangyou tsudzuki de tsukarete imasu.)Lately, I’ve been tired from working overtime every day.
51残業代ざんぎょうだいzangyou daiOvertime pay先月の残業代が入っていた。(Sengetsu no zangyou dai ga haitte ita.)My overtime pay for last month was included.
52ボーナスぼーなすboonasuBonusボーナスが出たので、旅行に行くことにした。(Boonasu ga deta node, ryokou ni iku koto ni shita.)I decided to go on a trip because I received a bonus.
53給与明細きゅうよめいさいkyuuyo meisaiPayslip給与明細にミスがあったので、訂正してもらいました。(Kyuuyo meisai ni misu ga atta node, teisei shite moraimashita.)There was a mistake in my payslip, so I had it corrected.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
54税金ぜいきんzeikintaxこの給料から税金を引かれると、思ったより手元にお金が残らない。(Kono kyuuryou kara zeikin o hikareru to, omotta yori temote ni okane ga nokoranai.)I have less money left than I thought after taxes are deducted from my salary.
55手取りてどりtedoriafter tax income手取り20万円しかないと、生活が大変になります。(Tedori nijuu man en shika nai to, seikatsu ga taihen ni narimasu.)Life becomes difficult with only a take-home pay of 200,000 yen.
56控除こうじょkoujodeductionこの経費は控除できるので、請求書を提出してください。(Kono keihi wa koujo dekiru node, seikyuusho o teishutsu shite kudasai.)You can deduct this expense, so please submit the invoice.
57ヨイショよいしょyoi shobutter up / flatter上司と飲むときはヨイショするのが当たり前だ。(Joushi to numu tokiwa yoisho surunoga atarimae da.)You’re supposed to flatter your boss when you’re drinking with him.
58飲み会のみかいnomikaidrinking party今度の金曜日に、会社の飲み会がある。(Kondo no kinyoubi ni, shain no nomikai ga aru.)There is a company drinking party this Friday.
59二次会にじかいnijikaiafter-party今夜は二次会にも参加するつもりだ。(Konya wa, nijikai ni mo sanka suru tsumori da.)I plan to attend the after-party tonight.
60領収書りょうしゅうしょryoushuushoreceiptこの領収書をもらっておけば、経費の精算ができる。(Kono ryoushuusho o moratteokeba, keihi no seisanshika dekiru.)If you keep this receipt, you can settle your expenses.
61パワハラパワハラpawaharapower harassmentパワハラを受けた社員が会社を訴えた。(Pawahara o uketa shain ga kaisha o utaeta.)An employee who experienced power harassment sued the company.
62セクハラセクハラsekuharasexual harassmentセクハラは許されないことだ。(Sekuhara wa yurusarenai koto da.)Sexual harassment is unacceptable.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
63人事制度じんじせいどjinji seidopersonnel systemあの会社の人事制度はユニークだ(Ano Kaisha no jinji seido wa yuniikuda)That company’s personnel system is unique.
64評価ひょうかhyoukaevaluation, assessment彼女は常に上司から高い評価を受けている。(Kanojo wa tsuneni joushi kara takai hyouka o uketeiru.)She always receives high evaluations from her boss.
65フィードバックふぃーどばっくfiido bakkufeedback取引先からのフィードバックを参考に改善点を洗い出した。(Torihikisaki kara no fiido bakku o sankou ni kaizen-ten o araidashita.)We identified areas for improvement based on feedback from our client.
66肉体労働にくたいろうどうnikutairoudoumanual or physical labor40代の太郎には肉体労働がきつくなってきた。(Yonju dai no tarou ni wa nikutai roudou ga kitsuku natte kita.)Physical labor is getting hard for Taro in his 40s.
671on1ワンオンワンwan on wanone-on-one meeting上司との1on1でキャリアプランを相談する。(Joushi to no wan on wan de kyaria puran o soudan suru.)Discuss career plans with your boss in a one-on-one meeting.
68情報漏洩じょうほうろうえいjouhou roueiinformation leakage情報漏洩が起こりニュースに取り上げられてしまった(Jouhourouei ga okori nyuusu ni toriage rarete shimatta.)An information leak occurred and was covered in the news.
69個人情報こじんじょうほうkojin jouhoupersonal information個人情報をユーザーの許可なく使ってはいけない(Kojin jouhou wo yuuzaa no kyoka naku tsukatte wa ikenai)Personal information should not be used without the user’s permission.
70取引先とりひきさきtorihikisakibusiness partner, client取引先が倒産した。(Torihikisaki ga tousan shita.)A business partner went bankrupt.
71コピー機こぴーきkopii-kiphotocopierコピー機の使い方がわからない。(Kopii-ki no tsukai kata ga wakara nai.)I don’t know how to use the copier.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
72コピー用紙こぴーようしkopi-youshiphotocopy paperコピー用紙が切れたので、買ってきてください。(Kopi-youshi ga kireta node, katte kite kudasai.)Please buy some photocopy paper because we ran out.
73FAXファックスfakkusufacsimile, faxこの書類をFAXで送信してください。(Kono shorui o FAX de soushin shite kudasai.)Please send this document by fax.
74伝言でんごんdengonmessage上司から伝言があったので、返信してください。(Joushi kara dengon ga atta node, henshin shite kudasai.)Our boss left a message, please reply.
75スーツすーつsuutsusuit新しいスーツを買いたいと思います。(Atarashii suutsu o kaitai to omoimasu.)I am thinking about buying a new suit.
76ネクタイねくたいnekutainecktieこのネクタイはいかがでしょうか?(Kono nekutai wa ikaga deshou ka?)How about this necktie?
77白シャツしろしゃつshiro shatsuwhite shirt会議用に白シャツを買いました。(Kaigiyou ni shiro shatsu o kaimashita.)I bought a white shirt for the meeting.
78競合きょうごうkyougoucompetitor競合他社の商品を調査しています。(Kyougou tasha no shouhin o chousa shite imasu.)We are investigating our competitor’s products.
79定年退職ていねんたいしょくteinen taishokuretirement age定年退職までに貯金をしたいです。(Teinen taishoku made ni chokin o shitai desu.)I want to save money before retirement age.
80時短勤務じたんきんむjitan kinmushortened work hours子供が小さいので、時短勤務を申請しました。(Kodomo ga chiisai node, jitan kinmu o shinsei shimashita.)I applied for shortened work hours because my child is still young.
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
81フレックスタイム制度ふれっくすたいむせいどfurekkusu taimu seidoflextime system弊社ではフレックスタイム制度を導入しています。(Heisha dewa furekkusu taimu seido wo dounyuu shite imasu)We have a flextime system
82満員電車まんいんでんしゃman’in denshacrowded train満員電車に乗るのは苦手です。(Man’in densha ni noruno wa nigate desu.)I’m not good with crowded train.
83快速かいそくkaisokurapid service快速電車に乗れれば間に合います(kaisoku densya ni norereba maniai masu)If you can catch the rapid service train, you can make it in time.
84急行きゅうこうkyukouexpress service次の駅で急行に乗り換えよう(Tsugi no eki de kyukou ni norikae you)Let’s change to the express train at the next station.
85普通ふつうfutsuuregular service普通電車で座って帰ります。(Futsuu densha de suwatte kaeri masu.)I’m going home sitting on a regular service train.
86特急とっきゅうtokkyuulimited express service特急電車には別料金が必要です。(Tokkyu densha niwa betsu ryoukin ga hitsuyou desu)Extra charge is required for express trains
87準急じゅんきゅうjunkyuusemi-express service朝は準急の運行はありません(Asa wa junkyuu no unkou wa arimasen)No semi-express service in the morning
88パソコンぱそこんpasokonpersonal computerパソコンを使って仕事をすることが多いです。(Pasokon wo tsukatte shigoto wo surukoto ga ooidesu)I use a personal computer for work.
89マウスまうすmausucomputer mouseマウスの調子が悪くなったので、買い替えました。(Mausu no choushi ga waruku natta node kaikae mashita)I had to replace my mouse because it was going bad.

Sure! Here are the words and phrases you requested:

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
90電源でんげんdengenpower supply電源を入れる (Dengen o ireru)Turn on the power
91キーボードきーぼーどkībōdokeyboardキーボードが反応しない。(Kībōdo ga hannō shinai.)The keyboard is not responding.
92モニターもにたーmonitorcomputer monitorモニターを新調した。(Monitā wo shincyou sita.)New monitors were installed.
93ブラック企業ぶらっくきぎょうburakku kigyōbusiness that exploits its employeesこの会社はブラック企業だと思う。(Kono kaisha wa burakku kigyō da to omou.)I think this company exploits its employees
94ホワイト企業ほわいときぎょうhowaito kigyōA good standing companyホワイト企業で働きたい。(Howaito kigyō de hatarakitai.)I want to work for a company with good standing.
95社食しゃしょくshashokucompany cafeteria社食のメニューが豊富です。(Shashoku no menyū ga hōfu desu.)The company cafeteria has a wide selection of menus.
96新人しんじんshinjinnew employee新人研修が始まります。(Shinjin kenshū ga hajimarimasu.)The new employee training will begin.
97ベテランべてらんbeteranveteran employeeベテラン社員が新人に教えています。(Beteran shain ga shinjin ni oshiete imasu.)The veteran employee is teaching the new employee.
98お局おつぼねotsuboneveteran female employeeあの人は陰でお局さまと呼ばれている。(Ano hito wa kage de otsubonesama to yobarete iru.)That woman is called “otsubonesama” behind her back.
99窓際族まどぎわぞくmadogiwa zokuemployees put at an unimportant role.入社して10年、気づけば窓際族となっていた(nyuu sha shit2 10 nen kidukeba madogiwa zoku to natte ita)Ten years after joining the company, I found myself with no real work to do.
100解雇かいこkaikodismissal; firing彼は仕事を怠ったため、解雇された。(Kare wa shigoto o okotatta tame, kaikosareta.)He was dismissed from his job for neglecting his work.
101クビくびkubigetting fired; getting the axe彼はクビになってから、新しい仕事を探している。(Kare wa kubi ni natte kara, atarashii shigoto o sagashite iru.)He’s been looking for a new job since he got fired.
102中途採用ちゅうとさいようchuuto saiyoumid-career employment会社は中途採用の募集をしている。(Kaisha wa chuuto saiyou no boshuu wo shite iru.)The company is recruiting mid-career employees.
103新卒採用しんそつさいようshinsotsu saiyounew graduate employmentこの会社は新卒採用に力を入れている。(Kono kaisha wa shinsotsu saiyou ni chikara o irete iru.)This company is focusing on hiring new graduates.
104面接めんせつmensetsuinterview明日、面接があるので緊張しています。(Ashita, mensetsu ga aru node kinchou shite imasu.)I’m nervous because I have an interview tomorrow.
105ES試験ESしけんES shikenemployment screening testES試験は合格しないと次の面接に進めない。(ES shiken ni goukaku shinai to tsugi no mensetsu ni susumenai.)If you don’t pass the employment screening test, you can’t proceed to the next interview.
106福利厚生ふくりこうせいfukuri kouseiemployee benefitsこの会社の福利厚生は充実している。(Kono kaisha no fukuri kousei wa juujitsu shite iru.)The employee benefits at this company are great.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
107財形貯蓄ざいけいちょちくzaikēchikusavings planこの会社は財形貯蓄制度を導入しています。(Kono kaisha wa zaikēchiku seido o dōnyū shite imasu.)This company has introduced a savings plan system.
108営業えいぎょうeigyōsales彼は営業部で働いています。(Kare wa eigyōbu de hataraite imasu.)He works in the sales department.
109マーケティングまーけてぃんぐmāketingumarketingその商品のマーケティング戦略は成功した。(Sono shōhin no māketingu senryaku wa seikō shita.)The marketing strategy for that product was successful.
110経理けいりkeiriaccounting私は経理部に所属しています。(Watashi wa keiribu ni shozoku shite imasu.)I belong to the accounting department.
111法務ほうむhōmulegal affairs department法務部門は会社のリスク管理に重要です。(Hōmubumon wa kaisha no risuku kanri ni jūyō desu.)The legal affairs department is important for the risk management of the company.
112広報こうほうkōhōpublic relations広報部は新卒に人気の部署です。(Kōhōbu wa shinsotsu ni ninki no busho desu.)Public Relations Department is a popular department for new graduates
113定時退社ていじたいしゃteiji taishaleaving work on time (e.g. as opposed to paid or unpaid overtime)私たちは毎日定時退社することができます。(Watashitachi wa mainichi teiji taisha suru koto ga dekimasu.)We can leave work on time everyday.
114サビ残、サービス残業さびざん、さーびすざんぎょうsabi zan, sābisu zangyōunpaid overtime workサビ残は違法な労働行為です。(Sabi zan wa iho na rōdō kōi desu.)Unpaid overtime work is an illegal labor practice.
115役所やくしょyakushogovernment office市役所で手続きをするのに時間がかかった。(Shiyakusho de tetsudzuki o suru noni jikan ga kakatta.)It took a long time to get through the process at city hall.
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
116民間企業みんかんきぎょうminkan kigyouprivate company私は民間企業で働いています。(Watashi wa minkan kigyou de hataraite imasu.)I work in the private company.
117顧客満足度調査こきゃくまんぞくどちょうさkokyaku manzokudo chousacustomer satisfaction survey弊社では定期的に顧客満足度調査を行っています。(Heisha de wa teikiteki ni kokyaku manzokudo chousa o okonatte imasu.)We regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys
118業界ぎょうかいgyokaiindustry彼はIT業界で働いています。(Kare wa IT gyokai de hataraite imasu.)He works in the IT industry.
119ユーザー調査ユーザーちょうさyuzaa chousauser survey新商品の開発にあたり、ユーザー調査を行っています。(Shinshouhin no kaihatsu ni atari, yuzaa chousa o okonatte imasu.)User surveys are conducted for the development of new products
120ハンコはんこhankoStamp初めて自分の名字のハンコを作りました。(Hajimete jibun no myouji no hanko wo tsukuri mashita.)I made a stamp of my own surname for the first time.
121契約書けいやくしょkeiyakushocontract document契約書にサインして、取引を開始しました。(Keiyakusho ni sain shite, torihiki o kaishi shimashita.)I signed the contract and we started doing business.
122郵送ゆうそうyuusoumailing申込書は郵送でも受け付けています。(Moushikomisho wa yuusou demo uketsukete imasu.)Applications are also accepted by mail.
123会食かいしょくkaishokubusiness dinner今夜は大切な取引先と会食です。(Konya wa taisetsuna torihikisaki to kaishoku desu.)I’m having dinner with an important business partner tonight.
124接待せったいsettaientertaining clients取引先を接待することも、重要な仕事の一つです。(Torihikisaki wo settai suru koto mo juyou na shigoto no hitostu desu.)Entertaining business partners is also an important part of the job!
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
125OJTオン・ジョブ・トレーニングOu jei tiion-the-job training新入社員は、OJTで仕事のやり方を学ぶ。(Shinnyūshain wa, OJT de shigoto no yarikata o manabu.)New employees learn how to do their jobs through on-the-job training.
126退職願(届)たいしょくねがいtaishokunegairesignation letterエースの鈴木さんが退職願を出して驚いた。(Eesu no suzuki-san ga taishoku negai wo dashite odoroita.) Ace Suzuki surprised me by submitting a resignation letter.
127有給休暇ゆうきゅうきゅうかyūkyū kyūkapaid vacation有給休暇を取って、家族と旅行に行く予定です。(Yūkyū kyūka o totte, kazoku to ryokō ni iku yotei desu.)I am planning to take paid vacation and go on a trip with my family.
128欠勤けっきんkekkinabsence from work欠勤する場合は、事前に連絡してください。(Kekkin suru baai wa, jizen ni renraku shite kudasai.)If you are absent from work, please be sure to contact your supervisor in advance.
129リモートオフィスりもーとおふぃすrimōto ofisuremote officeコロナの影響で、リモートオフィスが導入されました。(Korona no eikyō de, rimōto ofisu ga dōnyū sare mashita.)Due to the effects of COVID-19, a remote office has been introduced.
130社員証しゃいんしょうshain shōemployee ID card社員証をなくした場合は、すぐに上司に報告してください。(Shain shō o nakushita baai wa, sugu ni jōshi ni hōkoku shite kudasai.)If you lose your employee ID card, please report it to your supervisor immediately.
131お先に失礼しますおさきにしつれいしますosaki ni shitsurei shimasupardon me for leaving (first) (used when leaving a workplace while others remain)会議が終わったら、お先に失礼します。(Kaigi ga owattara, osaki ni shiturei shimasu.)

Sure, here are the words and phrases in the requested format:

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
132二日酔いふつかよいfutsukayoihangover (literally “two-day drunk”)昨日は飲みすぎて、今日は二日酔いだ。(Kinou wa nomi sugite, kyou wa futsukayoi da.)I drank too much yesterday and now I have a hangover.
133寝過ごすねすごすnesugosuoversleep電車で寝過ごして終点で目が覚めた。(Densha de nesugoshi te shuuten de mega sameta.)I overslept on the train and woke up at the last stop.
134終電しゅうでんshuudenlast train (final train of the day)今日は絶対に終電までに帰るぞ。(Kyou wa zettai ni shuuden madeni kaeru zo.)I’ll definitely be home before the last train today.
135始発しはつshihatsufirst train (initial train of the day)明日は早起きして、始発で行こうと思っている。(Ashita wa hayao ki shite, shihatsu de ikou to omotte iru.)I plan to wake up early tomorrow and go by the first train.
136IT企業アイティーきぎょうaitii kigyouIT company彼は大手IT企業で働いている。(Kare wa oote aitii kigyou de hataraite iru.)He works at a major IT company.
137ガテン系がてんけいgatenkeiblue-collar workerガテン系の仕事は朝が早い(Gaten kei no shigoto wa asaga hayai.)Blue collar works start early in morning.
138歓迎会かんげいかいkangeikaiwelcome party (held to welcome someone new, like a new employee or student)新入社員の歓迎会が開かれた。(Shinnyuu shain no kangeikai ga hirakareta.)A welcome party was held for the new employees.
139送迎会そうげいかいsougeikaisend-off party (held to say goodbye to someone leaving, like a retiring colleague or a graduating student)先輩の送迎会が行われた。(Senpai no sougeikai ga okonawareta.)A send-off party was held for the senior colleague.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
140ノートパソコンのーとぱそこんnōtopasokonlaptop computer私のノートパソコンが故障してしまった。(Watashi no nōtopasokon ga koshō shite shimatta.)My laptop computer broke down.
141工場こうじょうkōjōfactory父は自動車の工場で働いている。(Chichi wa jidōsha no kōjō de hataraite iru.)My father works at a car factory.
142パートぱーとpātopart-time job妻はスーパーでパートをしている。(Tsuma wa suupaa de pato wo shite iru.)My wife works part time at a supermarket.
143エリアマネージャーえりあまねーじゃーeria manējāarea manager週に1度はエリアマネージャーが各店舗を回る。(Shuu ni ichido wa eria manējā ga kakutenpo wo mawaru.)Area managers visit each store once a week.
144かぶkabustock初めてのボーナスで株を買った。(Hajimete no bounasu de kabu wo
I bought stocks with my first bonus.
145赤字あかじakajideficit, in the red当社は去年、赤字になってしまった。(Tōsha wa kyonen, akaji ni natte shimatta.)Our company went into the red last year.
146黒字くろじkurojibalance (figure) in the black今年は、黒字で終わることができそうです。(Kotoshi wa, kuroji de owaru koto ga deki sou desu.)It looks like we’ll end this year with a surplus.
147プレスリリースぷれすりりーすpuresurirīsupress release新製品のプレスリリースを出しました。(Heisha wa, shinseihin no puresurirīsu o dashimashita.)Our company issued a press release for our new product.
148仕入れしいれshiirepurchasing, buyingスーパーの店長は毎日、食品の仕入れをしています。(Sūpā no tenchō wa mainichi, shokuhin no shiire o shite imasu.)The supermarket manager purchases food items every day.
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
149買収ばいしゅうbaishuuacquisition, takeoverその会社は競合他社を買収して成長した。(Sono kaisha wa kyōgō tasha o baishū shite seichō shita.)The company grew by acquiring a competing company.
150合併がっぺいgappeimerger, amalgamation両社は合併して新会社を作った。(Ryōsha wa gappei shite shinkaisha o tsukutta.)The two companies merged to form a new company.
151売上高うりあげだかuriagedakasales revenueその企業の去年の売上高は10億円だった。(Sono kigyō no kyonen no uriagedaka wa 10 oku en datta.)The company’s sales revenue last year was 1 billion yen.
152営業利益えいぎょうりえきeigyō riekioperating profit会社の営業利益が前年比で20%増加した。(Kaisha no eigyō rieki ga zennenhi de 20% zōka shita.)The company’s operating profit increased by 20% compared to the previous year.
153費用ひようhiyouexpense, cost新製品の開発には多額の費用がかかる。(Shinseihin no kaihatsu ni wa tagaku no hiyō ga kakaru.)Developing a new product requires a large amount of expenses.
154利益りえきriekiprofit, earnings会社の利益は去年よりも減少した。(Kaisha no rieki wa kyonen yori mo genshō shita.)The company’s profit decreased from last year.
155働きがいはたらきがいhatarakigaijob satisfaction彼女はこの会社で働きがいを感じている。(Kanojo wa kono kaisha de hatarakigai o kanjite iru.)She feels job satisfaction working for this company.
156やりがいやりがいyarigaisense of accomplishment, fulfillment彼は自分の仕事にやりがいを感じている。(Kare wa jibun no shigoto ni yarigai o kanjite iru.)He feels a sense of accomplishment in his work.
157公務員こうむいんkōmuincivil servant, government employee彼女は公務員として働いている。(Kanojo wa kōmuin toshite hataraite iru.)She works as a civil servant.

No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
158起業きぎょうkigyōentrepreneurship; starting a business彼女は起業家で、自分のブランドを持っている。(Kanojo wa kigyōka de, jibun no burando o motte iru.)She is an entrepreneur and has her own brand.
159出世しゅっせshussepromotion; successful career彼は出世が早く、今では経営陣の一員だ。(Kare wa shusse ga hayaku, ima de wa keieijin no ichiin da.)He was promoted quickly and is now a member of the management team.
160就任しゅうにんshūninassumption of office; inauguration新社長が就任の挨拶をした。(Shin shachō ga shūnin no aisatsu wo shita.)The new president gave his inaugural address.
161年収ねんしゅうnenshūannual income; yearly earnings彼は年収1000万円以上ある。(Kare wa nenshū senmankaien ijō aru.)He earns an annual income of over 10 million yen.
162従業員じゅうぎょういんjūgyōinemployee; workerその会社には従業員100人以上が勤めている。(Sono kaisha ni wa jūgyōin hyakunin ijō ga tsutomete iru.)The company has more than 100 employees working there.
163過労死かろうしkarōshideath from overwork彼は過労死してしまった。(Kare wa karōshi shite shimatta.)He died from overwork.
164予定をおさえるよていをおさえるyotei o osaeruto keep someone’s scheduleすぐに部長の予定をおさえてください。(Suguni buchou no yotei wo osaete kudasai.)Please secure the director’s schedule immediately.
165ダブルチェックだぶるちぇっくdaburu chekkudouble-check; to check something twice大事な書類は必ずダブルチェックしましょう。(Daiji na shorui wa kanarazu daburu chekku shimashou.)Always double check important documents.
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
166休憩きゅうけいkyuukeibreak定期的に休憩を取ることが義務付けられている。(Teikiteki ni kyuukei wo torukotoga gimuduke rareteiru.)Mandatory periodic breaks
167うつutsudepression彼女は最近、鬱病になってしまった。(Kanojo wa saikin, utsu byou ni natte shimatta.)She recently became depressed.
168倒産とうさんtousanbankruptcyこの会社は倒産寸前だ。(Kono kaisha wa tousan sunzen da.)This company is on the brink of bankruptcy.
169展示会てんじかいtenjikaiexhibition, trade show新商品のアピールのため展示会に参加する予定だ。(Shinshouhin no apiiru no tame tenjikai ni sankasuru yotei da.)We plan to attend the exhibition to promote our new products.
170コンサル会社こんさるがいしゃkonsaru gaishaconsulting company彼はコンサル会社に勤めている。(Kare wa konsaru gaisha ni tsutomete iru.)He works for a consulting company.
171社内しゃないshanaiwithin the company社内でのコミュニケーションを大切にしましょう。(Shanai de no komyunikeeshon wo taisetsu ni shimashou.)Let’s value communication within the company.
172決算けっさんkessansettlement of accounts, financial statement決算発表後、株価は急落した。(Kessanhappyou go kabuka wa kyuuraku shita.)After the earnings announcement, the stock price plummeted.
173上期かみきkamikifirst half of the year上期が無事に終わり、打ち上げをした(Kamiki ga buji ni owari uchiage wo shita)The first half of the year ended successfully and we had a celebration party.
174下期しもきshimokilatter half of the fiscal year下期の予算編成を進めている。(Shimoki no yosan hensei wo susumete iru.)Budgeting for the second half of the year is underway.
No.Words & PhrasesHiraganaRomajiEnglish TranslationExample SentenceEnglish Translation
175通期つうきtsuukientire fiscal yearこの会社の通期の売上高は前年比で10%増加した。(Kono kaisha no tsuuki no uriage-daka wa zennenhi de 10% zouka shita.)This company’s sales for the entire fiscal year increased by 10% compared to the previous year.
176貴社きしゃkisya(your) company(used in written format.)貴社とお取引をはじめて10年になります(Kisya to otorihiki wo hajimete 10nen ni narimasu)We have been doing business with your company for 10 years now.
177帰社きしゃkisyareturn to office1社目のアポが終わったら帰社します(1syame no apo ga owattara kisya shimasu)I will return to the office after the first company appointment.
178御社おんしゃonsyayour company御社だけの特別プランです(Onsha dake no tokubetsu puran desu)This is a special plan only for your company.
179弊社へいしゃheisyaour company弊社では年末のご挨拶にカレンダーをお配りしています(Heisya dewa nenmatsu no goaisatsu ni karendaa wo okubari shite imasu)Our company distributes calendars as year-end greetings.
180備品びひんbihinequipment会社の備品を持ち帰ってはいけない(Kaisha no bihin wo mochikaette wa ikenai.)Do not take company equipment home with you.
181書類選考しょるいせんこうshoruisenkoudocument screening書類選考を通過して面接に臨んだ(Shorui senkou wo tsuuka shite mensetsu ni nozonda)I passed the resume screening and went in for an interview.
182最終面接さいしゅうめんせつsaishuumensetsufinal interview最終面接ではとても緊張してしまった(Saishuu mensetsu dewa totemo kinchou site shimatta.)I was very nervous during the final interview.
183採用通知さいようつうちsaiyoutuuchijob offer 採用通知をもらえてほっとした(Saiyou tsuuchi wo moraete hotto shita)I was relieved to get a job offer.
(very casual of saying. It came from the clichéd phrases in rejection letter)
rejection letter / mailお祈りメールばかりで心が折れた(Oinori meeru bakari de
kokoro ga oreta.)
All the rejection mail broke my heart.
185停職ていしょくteisyokususpension from office山田さんはパワハラで停職処分になった(Yamada san wa pawahara de teishoku shobun ni natta.)Mr. Yamada was suspended for power harassment.
186定職ていしょくteisyokuStable job / regular work寅さんは定職につかずぶらぶらしていた(Tora-san wa teisyoku ni tsukazu burabura shiteita.)Tora-san was hanging around without a regular job
187産休さんきゅうsankyuumaternity leave明日美さんは来月から産休に入る(Asumi -san wa raigetsu kara sankyuu ni hairu.)Asumi will be on maternity leave next month.
188育休いくきゅうikukyuuchildcare leave育休制度がしっかりしている会社が人気だ(Ikukyuu seido ga shikkari shiteiru kaisya ga ninki da.)Companies with strong maternity leave programs are popular.
189謝罪しゃざいsyazaiapology製品に欠陥が見つかりメーカーは謝罪した(Seihin ni kekkan ga mitsukari meekaa wa shazai shita.)A defect was found in the product and the manufacturer apologized.
190注力ちゅうりょくchuuryokucommitment to somethingどの会社もAIに注力している(Dono kaisha mo eeai ni chuuryoku shiteiru.)All companies are focusing on AI.
191労働組合ろうどうくみあいroudoukumiailabor union労働組合が会社に労働環境の改善を求めている(Roudou kumiai ga kaisha niroudoukankyou no kaizen wo motometeiru.)The labor union is demanding that the company improve the working environment.
192需要じゅようjuyouDemand需要が読めずに商品が欠品した(Juyou ga yomezu ni shouhin ga keppin shita.)Demand could not be predicted and goods were out of stock.
193供給きょうきゅうkyoukyuuSupply新商品が売れすぎて供給が追いつかない(Shinshouhin ga uresugite kyoukyuu ga oitsukanai.)New products are selling too well for supply to keep up.
194分析ぶんせきするbunsekiAnalysisキャンペーンの効果を分析した結果を報告する(Kyanpeen no kouka wo bunseki shita kekka wo houkoku suru.)Report the results of the analysis of the campaign’s effectiveness.
195円安えんやすenyasucheap yen円安効果で海外からの観光客が増えた(Enyasu kouka de kaigai karano kankoukyaku ga fueta.)The weak yen effect has increased the number of foreign tourists.
196円高えんだかendakastrong yen円高でワインの価格が下がった(Endaka de wain no kakaku ga sagatta.)The strong yen has lowered the price of wine.
197フリーランスふりーらんすfuriiransuufreelance佐藤さんは退職後にフリーランスの編集者になった(Sato-san wa taishokugo ni freeransuu no henshuusha ni natta.)Mr. Sato became a freelance editor after retiring.
198個人事業主こじんじぎょうぬしkojinjigyounushiSole proprietorship個人事業主として開業届を提出した(Kojinjigyounushi toshite kaigyou todoke wo
teishutsu shita.)
Filed a notification of opening a business as a sole proprietorship.
199役員やくいんyakuinboard member杉本さんは努力して役員まで上り詰めた(Sugimito san wa doryoku shite yakuin made nobori tsumeta)Mr. Sugimoto worked hard and made it to the board member.
200上場じょうじょうjyoujyoulisting (on the stock exchange)悲願の上場を達成した(Higan no joujou wo tassei shita.)Achieved a long-held dream of being listed on the stock exchange.

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