Looking for the best way for immersion learning? Tver is the place to go. Tver is Japanese free streaming services which you can enjoy local Japanese TV programs with. In this episode, I talk about Tver and my favorite programs on it.

Watch the episode on Youtube:

Free Immersion Learning with Tver: Master Japanese by watching Japanese TV programs.

Listening the episode on Spotify:

Free Immersion Learning with Tver: Master Japanese by watching Japanese TV programs.

Script in Japanese


番組への likeいつもありがとうございます。






Netflix とか、あとはamazon primevideo とかいろんな種類がありますね

今日ご紹介するのは日本初の動画配信サービスでtver という名前のサービスです。

こちらは無料のいわゆる広告ビジネスモデルの サービスになります。

見られる内容コンテンツなんですけども、地上波で放送されている番組を後追いで見ることができるサービスです。地上波英語だと OAT、over airtelevision ですかね?




しかしこの tverにより、大阪の番組を私も見ることができます すごく便利になりましたでジャンルも幅広くてドラマコメディアニメドキュメンタリーいろいろあります。いわゆるimmersion learningにぴったりではないでしょうか?

気になるのが字幕があるのかどうか、この辺気になる方も多いと思いますけども 字幕あります。


残念ながら日本で のみこのtver は見ることができるので、今海外にいるリスナーの皆さんはちょっと聞けないかもしれません聞けないじゃないな見れないかもしれません。

でも このtver 素晴らしいのはですねアプリだけじゃなくてブラウザでも見ることができますとなるとvpn を使えば見れちゃうかもしれません。

どうしても Tver見てみたいという方はちょっと vpnつないで見てみてはいかがでしょうか?






とても見やすくて映像が綺麗なので皆さん言葉が仮にわからなかったとしても 映像を見ているだけでそこへ旅したような気分になれるんじゃないかなと思っております。


なのでまぁベタな観光地もいいですけど、人と、人とはちょっと違う場所に行ってみたいなという方は これを見ていろいろなんか計画を立てるのがはかどるんではないでしょうか?


今日は Tverをご紹介しましたぜひ皆さんも使ってみた感想などコメントで教えてくれると嬉しいです。


Script in English

Hello everyone, this is Takasugi Senpai.
Thank you for liking my show.
And the number of subscribers to our channel has exceeded 100!

I’m so happy.
Thank you so much!
Today, I would like to talk about video streaming services in Japan.
What kind of video streaming services are popular in your country?
Netflix, amazon primevideo, and many more!

Today, I would like to introduce the first video streaming service in Japan called tver.

This is a free service with a so-called advertising business model.

This is a service that allows you to watch programs broadcast on terrestrial TV after the fact. In terrestrial English, it is called OAT, or over air television.

The amount of programs available on tver is very large. According to the press release, 650 programs are available. In Japan, there used to be what we call “local programs”. There are still local programs. These are programs that are broadcast only in this region. I live in Tokyo now, but I could not watch Osaka’s local programs on TV.

I live in Tokyo now, but I couldn’t watch local Osaka programs on TV, but with this tver, I can watch Osaka programs too! I think it is perfect for immersion learning.

I am sure many people are wondering if there are subtitles or not, but there are subtitles.

There are many programs that do not have subtitles, but there are some that do, and you can change the playback speed.

Unfortunately, this tver is only available in Japan, so listeners overseas may not be able to listen to it.

But the great thing about this tver is that you can view it not only on the app, but also in your browser, so you might be able to see it if you use vpn.

If you really want to watch tver, why don’t you connect your vpn and watch it?

There are a lot of programs, but my top recommendation is

Admatic Tengoku.

I watch it every week on Tver.

It’s a documentary variety show that focuses on the Kanto region.

It is an hour-long program that makes you feel as if you have traveled there, and it always introduces the top 20 to the top 1 in a ranking format.

It is very easy to watch and the images are so beautiful that even if you don’t understand the language, you can feel as if you have traveled there just by watching the images.

I introduce places that people living in Japan would want to visit.

So, if you are looking for a place to visit that is different from other people, or even just a plain tourist attraction, this might be a good place for you to start planning.

There are 650 programs on this site, so I am sure you will find something you like.

I hope you will let me know what you think of Tver in the comments below.

I hope to see you again soon.

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